Bantam Penguins Capture City Championship, News, Bantam HL, 2013-2014 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Mar 23, 2014 | AMHL | 5702 views
Bantam Penguins Capture City Championship
The Bantam Penguins captured the City House League Championship 4-2 against Chedoke on Saturday March 29 at Mountain Arena. Congratulations on a great team effort. They won 4 straight games to capture the title.

Bantam Penguins: City Champions
March 23: Penguins 6, Mountain 2
March 23: Penguins 3, Coronation 2 (OT/shootout)
March 27: Penguins 5, Rosedale 1 (Semi's)
March 29: Penguins 4, Chedoke  2 (Championship Final)

Midget Wild: City Finalists
The Midget Wild lost 2-1 to Dofasco in the Championship final on Saturday March 29 at 2:15pm at Mountain Arena. The Wild lost their first game of the tournament and then won 4 straight games to advance to the final.

March 23: Lawfield 2, Wild 1
March 23: Wild 3, Rosedale 2
March 25: Wild 2, Coronation 1
March 26: Wild 4, Dundas 2
March 27: Wild 2, Stoney Creek 1 (Semi's)
March 29: Dofasco 2, Wild 1 (Championship final)

Novice Sabres: Semi-Finalists
March 23: Sabres 6, Stoney Creek 1
March 25:  Lawfield 4, Sabres 3 (OT/Shootout in Semi's, Sabres eliminated from tournament)

Peewee Flyers: Semi-Finalists
March 23: Chedoke 6,  Flyers 5
March 23: Flyers 6, Mountain 3
March 25: Rosedale 4, Flyers 3  (Semi's, Flyers eliminated from tournament)

Atom Leafs

March 23: Leafs 9, Dundas 2
March 23: Dofasco 2, Leafs 1 (Leafs eliminated from tournament)

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