Atom Rangers Win Dofasco Tournament, News, Juvenile HL, 2014-2015 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Jan 06, 2015 | AMHL | 11016 views
Atom Rangers Win Dofasco Tournament
The Ancaster Atom Rangers won gold at the Dofasco Christmas House League Tournament (December 27-30, 2014) by defeating the Caledonia Thunder 5-2 in the championship game.

The Rangers finished round robin play with a 3-0-0 record to grab 1st place against 13 other teams.

In the semi-finals they went up against a strong competitor the Lawfield Leafs who had a record of 2-1-0 with two convincing wins under their belt. The boys came out strong outplaying them, limiting the shots on net and taking a 2-1 lead into the 3rd period.  With solid defensive play and strong goaltending that lead would hold up to the end of the game giving the Rangers a win and a chance to play in the finals. 

The finals were against the Caledonia Thunder but they were no match for the Ancaster Rangers.      Right from the first period the Rangers dominated their opponent scoring quickly and taking a 5-1 lead into the third period.  That lead proved too much for the Caledonia Thunder to overcome with the Ancaster Rangers victorious and winning the gold.  Stefan Lombardi was named the tournament MVP scoring a total of 15 goals in 5 games.    

The coaches are extremely proud of the boys’ determination, effort and great team play throughout the tournament with five straight wins and completely dominating their opponents.  Many thanks to the bench staff, parents, family and friends who came out to support the boys.  


Front Row:

Sam Hansell, Ronan Murray-Leung, Nicholas Rallo, Braden Giovannangeli, Kyle Magri, Stefan Lombardi, Colin McKague, Evan Kong, Ethan Matone

Back Row:

Nicholas Jack Bonham, Spencer Dimen, Coach: Andy Lombardi, Callum Russell, William Saul, Levi Redpath-Dick, Trainer: Mark Matone, Assistant: Coach Mike McKague  

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