Christmas Hamper Sponsor, News, Major Peewee AE, 2012-2013, AE (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 22, 2012 | Dave Kong | 692 views
Christmas Hamper Sponsor
This year, we are organizing Christmas Hampers which will be distributed to children through Ancaster Community Services and St. Matthew's House. Due: December 12th.

Have your son involved in putting together a gift that can be donated to a special young child at Christmas time; have them pick out the gift!

Suggested ideas are: a toy that they would like to receive, gift cards for things like I-tunes, movie theatre, toy store, Wal-Mart or even gift cards for grocery stores. Your son can also add a personal Christmas card (have them only sign their first name) and if they want, they can mention Ancaster Avalanche Hockey. 

Please bring your Unwrapped donation/gift to our practice on December 12th. A representative from Ancaster Community Services and Matthew's House will try to come out to Spring Valley Arena just before the practice.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Melanie Barlow
Karen Pavao
David Kong