SABRES First Win Of The Season!, News, Sabres (Landmart Homes), Peewee HL, 2013-2014 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 10, 2013 | wbuchko | 436 views
SABRES First Win Of The Season!
Our first win of the season...
Well done boy's...
It was a nice win, and a complete team effort by the entire team...
7 goals were scored in the game...
And by 6 different players...
With a total 9 of our 13 skaters actually getting one point or more in the game...
That's a pretty amazing statistic when you think about it...
So well done boy's...
We're back at it again this weekend against the same BRUINS team...
And they'll be looking to revenge this loss...
So don't be eating too much Turkey...
And we'll see you at the rink!!!

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