Game #16 Recap - Flyers vs Stars, News, Flyers, Novice HL, 2015-2016 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

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Feb 01, 2016 | Matt Whelan | 549 views
Game #16 Recap - Flyers vs Stars
The Flyers get one back in the win column. Read more…

After a two tough losses last weekend, the Flyers bounced back this week with a solid win against the Stars. The focus leading up to the game this week was around working with your line mates and D partner to move the puck out of our zone or deep into the opponents zone. It took us a few shifts to get our legs moving but when we did, the team followed up on the drills we had worked on and it paid off. 

We saw some great back checking and fore checking from all the boys today which was another great sign. We took a few penalties along the way but the coaches don’t mind that as we know the boys are working hard to cover positions and help their teammates out. 


Congrats to Jack B, Liam W and Thomas L on their goals today. There were some great efforts from the D and forwards to get pucks up the ice so it was a great team effort.

See you at the rink.

Coaches John, Jason & Matt.