OMG! Avalanche Post "W" in Oakville While Breaking Red Ranger Win Streak, News, Major Atom, 2017-2018, A (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

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Oct 28, 2017 | Shawn Forbes | 889 views
OMG! Avalanche Post "W" in Oakville While Breaking Red Ranger Win Streak
The boys pulled out all the stops in a thrilling game against the Oakville Rangers (Red), handing the first place team a loss at home.

An early goal by Liam S dazzled fans while a secon-period short-handed goal by Michael B gave the boys a commanding lead.  Return fire from the Rangers came late in the third, but The Avs responded with a blistering shot from Danial P, his first of the season.  Goaltender Logan F kept the Rangers at bay, leading to an amazing 3-1 victory.  The Avs' win marks the end of a 10-game win streak for the Rangers. Well done, Avs!