JUST IN......, News, Novice AA, 2012-2013, A (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2012-2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 20, 2013 | jcaruk | 725 views
JUST IN......
.........After a strong effort against the Winterhawks the Av's were up to the challenge of the Burlington Eagles!  

We all know the Av's play better on the road and they didn't disappoint.  Evan "the gooseman" Caruk buried a beautiful wrister, on the breakaway, with 5 minutes to go in the first.  That was all the Av's needed and held off a charging Eagles squad; thanks to some great backchecking up the middle, strong "d" and an MVP goalie between the pipes!
Milton better bring their A game!  
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